Emotional Intelligence in Practice is a 4-day/5 night retreat including workshops, experiential exercises, group discussions as well as yoga and meditation practices. Suited for people who have already done some work on their emotional intelligence, intellectually understanding the basics, but now want to deep dive into the felt experience itself.

The retreat will nurture you and hold space for you to work on yourself in a way you choose. You will have the opportunity to deep dive into an emotion, belief system or behavioural pattern that you are working with, carefully supported by a psychologist.

Daily yoga or meditation practices, nutritious and healthy food and the company of like-minded individuals will help you to relax, restore and grow.

This retreat is your chance to learn everything you need to know about emotional intelligence in an engaging, inspiring and supportive environment. A total of six modules will help you get the in-depth knowledge of emotional intelligence that you need to become a better and more balanced person.

Module 1

The why, what and how of emotional intelligence.

Learn why emotional intelligence is the super power in relationship and leadership success.

Module 2

How emotionally intelligent are you?

An introduction to your assessments. What are your emotional intelligence strengths and development areas.

Module 3

Tools for building our resilience

Learn how to build resilience and put some tools in practice, starting with the art of meditation.

Module 4:

Our beliefs and inner narrative

Understand your inner beliefs and learn to listen to the narrative to build inner confidence.

Module 5

Changing the narrative

Opportunity to work on an emotion, belief and behavioural pattern and discover tools for mobilising emotion and rewiring inner beliefs.

Module 6

Observation and feedback

We pull your experience together in a way you will remember forever. You have the opportunity to present your learnings and insights to the group whilst the group hold the space for you. There is then the opportunity to gain feedback from the group members, giving further insight into strengths, weaknesses and how to take the steps to realise your dreams. This is recorded so you can have it to look back on for years to come.

What’s Included

  • Five night stay in a private or shared room

  • Facilitated experiential exercises and modules on emotional intelligence (the what, how and why)

  • Tools and techniques in managing the inner critic to stay confident and resilient when the pressure is on

  • Daily meditation and yoga

  • Plant based daily breakfast, lunch and dinner (1 night not catered to enjoy a restaurant in town)

  • Daily walks

  • SUP (stand up paddle boarding) and surf lessons as optional extras

  • Massages available (additional cost apply)

  • Time to relax and soak up your environment in a way that suits you